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Wind Energy in Türkiye

In the image representing the wind power plants in Turkey, there are 4 wind power plants located on the tops of the mountains in a row.

Due to its geographical location, our country is situated in a very important region where most of the oil and gas reserves of the world are located. Being located in this important region, our country creates an energy bridge between East and West as well as South and North. Not only being an energy bridge, Türkiye also generates its own energy. Wind energy in Türkiye is a renewable energy source that is developing day by day.

A large part of the needs of our country, which forms an inter-polar energy bridge, is met from imported sources. Seventy-five percent of the energy obtained from imported sources is generated from fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a resource that creates enormous harmful effects in terms of economy and health in Türkiye.

As of the year 2000, Türkiye has rolled up its sleeves and hit the ground to meet the increasing energy need within its body and has started to establish wind power generation plants in order to balance the energy supply and demand equilibrium. Following the wind power plants, by establishing solar power plants as of 2014, it has greatly reduced the usage rate of fossil energy sources that cause environmental pollution. Thus; domestic, clean and renewable energy has provided positive effects in our country in many respects.

Considering the damage caused on the economy of the country by imported fossil energy, many adverse factors may be observed such as the environmental pollution that may occur and the energy shortages that may be experienced. In line with all these factors, our country is increasing the capacity of its geothermal and solar-based generation facilities, especially the wind energy facility, with each passing day.

What is Wind Energy?

Wind is the horizontal movement of air from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. And wind speed varies according to geography, topography and seasonal factors.

Wind Energy, on the other hand, is the energy source that captures the natural winds around us and transforms the movements of the air into mechanical energy. Due to its geography and topography, Türkiye is a country that possesses suitable areas for wind energy generation. Vegetation, mountains, and buildings slow down the wind. Therefore, the speed of the wind is higher near the shores and in the open sea. As being surrounded by seas on three sides, our country has coasts suitable for wind energy in many regions.

The mechanism used to convert air movements into electricity in generation of wind energy is called a turbine. A turbine is a large structure that rotates by means of several blades. These blades are connected to an electromagnetic generator that provides their rotation and generates electricity.

Traditionally, wind power has been used to grind grains and to pump water. However, today it is most commonly used to generate electricity. Within all these factors; wind energy (power) has become an increasingly important part of the global electricity supply mix.

The biggest advantage of wind is being a clean and renewable form of energy. Electricity generation does not contain direct carbon emissions or air pollutants and does not consume water. Moreover, after initial plant installation, it also has relatively low operating and maintenance costs compared to the other energy sources.

It should also be noted that wind speeds can change throughout the day and year, causing interruption problems in electricity grids.

Two percent of the solar energy reaching the world is converted into wind energy. In order to comprehensively address the wind energy, which has a positive impact on the economy of the country and on health; it is necessary to obtain detailed information concerning the advantages and disadvantages thereof.

Advantages of Wind Energy

- It is renewable, clean and environmentally friendly.

- It is reliable as it is a continuous source.

- Facility technology and operation thereof are simple.

- The commissioning time of it is very short.

- It is economical compared to fossil fuels.

Disadvantages of Wind Energy

- Its investment cost is high.

- It is a variable energy production.

- The use of domestic and national equipment is not common.

In line with these factors, electricity generation from wind energy proves to be much cleaner and more efficient.